React/React Native Developer Referral fee — $500
VP Team 5 — 5-10 років досвіду EN Upper-Intermediate Remote
  • Remote
  • Продукт
  • Есть Equity
  • Бонус за рекомендацію
  • Startup
  • HealthTech
  • React Native

Про роботу

Hello everyone! We are looking for React Native Engineer to a NutriSense product startup, fully remote.

Further - more, in the Q&A.

What are we doing?

NutriSense is an app that analyzes your blood glucose response to food, exercise, stress, and sleep in real time using a glucose tracker (CGM), data analysis software. We work with a team of experienced nutritionists to provide the tools and support our users need to improve their quality of life.

The company is at the stage of active growth. NutriSense raised 2 investment rounds worth 7 million from investors such as Techstars, LAUNCH (Jason Calacanis), and Pin Capital.

Why are we doing this?

NutriSense's mission is to improve the quality of life for users.

What professional skills are important to us?

  • At least 8 years of experience in commercial development;
  • JavaScript and TypeScript expertise
  • 5+ years of React or React Native
  • Excellent understanding of software engineering principles
  • English: Upper-Intermediate.

Technology stack?

React/React Native, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo.

What else is important to us?

• Energy and speed

• High personal motivation

• Self-reliance

• Ability to communicate

• Product mindset

What to do in the project?

You'll be working on improving our existing mobile experience and driving the design and development of our green-field web-based experience.

Nearest project roadmap:

Growing in the number of users (now 4000)

Connecting new data sources to the platform

Making a free version of the product

Why was the position opened?

Our company is growing, and for the development of various products experienced specialists are needed.

Team size and structure?

8 developers: 6 full-stack and 2 front-end.

Where are the people who make the technical decisions on the project?

In the USA and Canada. CEO and co-founder Alex Skryl and Director of Engineering Ivan Spogreev. The whole team is involved in making technical decisions.

Who works with us?

We employ experienced professionals who contribute to the development of the product because their opinion is valued in the company.

For example, Artyom Brilyov, Ivan Spogreev, Bogdan Vidican.

The conditions:

• Is there a probation and how long does it last? - There is no concept of probation.

• Overtime, how often, what is the payment approach? - The team has intensive startup work.

• What is the work schedule? - Flexible working hours (overlaps are required on US central time from 8.00 to 12.00, in Ukraine it is from 16.00 to 20.00).

• Is it possible to work remotely? - Vacancy is completely remote.

• Number of vacation days? - By agreement.

• Is there a prospect of business trips, and where? - Not provided in the short term.

• Social package (medical insurance, other)? The company is ready to compensate for the costs of insurance, coworking, equipment, and payment of options.

The process:

• Is there a test? - No.

• Interview in English? - Yes.

• How many stages of the interview?

1) intro call (30 min) with the Technical Director

2) technical interview + live coding (2.5 hours)

3) final stage with CEO

Відгуки про роботу в VP Team 19

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